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Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood - PC



This enhanced version will not only bring you a greater graphical and technical experience but also enhanced Artificial Intelligence for more realistic gameplay and more challenging NPCs.Call of Juarez captures the brutality and ruthlessness that turned …
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This enhanced version will not only bring you a greater graphical and technical experience but also enhanced Artificial Intelligence for more realistic gameplay and more challenging NPCs.
Call of Juarez captures the brutality and ruthlessness that turned the American Frontier into a theatre of war. Players will experience legendary Wild West action including duels at high noon, gruesome shootouts and barroom brawls.
An authentic Wild West single player campaign puts players into the world of both the hunter AND the hunted, each equipped with contrasting weaponry, styles and motives.
The intense multiplayer mode pits you against the others in a frenzied blaze of gunfire and action in a rich variety of different maps and landscapes.
An intriguing tale of innocence, guilt and murder, Billy Candle, accused of the murder of his family finds himself hunted by Reverend Ray McCall. Determined to prove his innocence, Billy must face all odds to save his honor.

Tuotteen tiedot

Kannen kieli
Viimeisimmät saamamme tiedot valmistajalta. Voit aina varmistaa kielitiedot ml. uusimmat päivitykset suoraan julkaisijan omilta kotisivuilta.
  • Kannen kieli: Englanti
Kieli in-game
Viimeisimmät saamamme tiedot valmistajalta. Voit aina varmistaa kielitiedot ml. uusimmat päivitykset suoraan julkaisijan omilta kotisivuilta.
  • Kieli in-game: Englanti
2. heinäkuuta 2009
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood
Tuote ID
  • PEGI: 16+

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