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Barberians Copenhagen - Shaving Belt


Barberians Copenhagen

Handmade and authentic abrasive belt to keep the shaving knife sharp. The Barberians Sharpening belt is two-sided:One side is pure oxe leather and used for the final polish, while the other side a fabric for the initial sharpening. Both each end has a ri…
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Handmade and authentic abrasive belt to keep the shaving knife sharp. The Barberians Sharpening belt is two-sided:One side is pure oxe leather and used for the final polish, while the other side a fabric for the initial sharpening. Both each end has a ring for fastening and a finger shaped handle to ensure an easy a safe grip on the knife. Sharpening Belt from Barberians is essential to keeping shaving knife sharp and polished.


  • Hook the belt to wall, a handle or something similar to stretch the belt
  • Ensure you have the back of the knife in front during sharpening
  • Start med the fabric side to warm up the steel and prepare for the final sharpening
  • Final sharp the knife with the leather side
  • Begin shavning
  • Sharpen the knife often


  • Handmade and authentic grinding belt from the Barberians
  • Keeps the shaving knife sharp and polished
  • Provides a secure grip. 

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Barberians Copenhagen - Shaving Belt
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