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Woodcutter Simulator 2011 - PC


UIG Entertainment

The smell of fresh tree gum, the sound of heavy vehicles and hard work for real men awaits the player in the Woodcutter Simulator 2011 – Multiplayer Edition. The player is in charge of his own wood-manufacturing facility in the deep woods. To get his job…
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The smell of fresh tree gum, the sound of heavy vehicles and hard work for real men awaits the player in the Woodcutter Simulator 2011 – Multiplayer Edition. The player is in charge of his own wood-manufacturing facility in the deep woods. To get his jobs done, the player must do the work of a real man and handle all aspects of the forest industry from cutting trees to sawing.

The player has to handle the real big machinery. He takes control of different huge vehicles such as the Harvester, which cuts and debranches every tree within a few seconds. Afterwards the dragger pulls the trees out of the woods into the sawmill where the forest giants are reduced to small pieces of wood. When the sawmill has finished its work, the player entrains the produced logs onto a trucks using the heavy crane.

A lot of work is to be done in the woods. The Woodcutter Simulator 2011 challenges the player through various tasks which must be solved partially within a fixed amount of time. Once all tasks of a mission are finished, the player can access the map anytime to chop and saw as he desires in the “free game” mode.

Tuotteen tiedot

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  • Kieli in-game: Englanti
13. kesäkuuta 2012
Woodcutter Simulator 2011
Tuote ID
  • PEGI: 3+

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