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Gardena Water Control Master 1892-28



  • Water Control Master from GARDENA gives you many options for watering your plants in the garden. Automatic garden watering means more free time for you, and an optimal water supply for lawns, flower beds or bushes. You connect the battery-powered water controller directly to the faucet and then connect the garden hose to the water outlet.
  • all work independently of each other. Adapt the individual watering selection to the needs of your plants.
  • Up to six watering schedules are available, all working independently of each other.
  • The innovative turn-and-push function makes it easy to set the flexible schedules on the easy-to-read LCD screen in ten different languages.

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Gardenan vedensäätöpäällikkö 1892-28

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Gardena Water Control Master 1892-28
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