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Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi - Xbox 360


Namco Bandai

In Dragon Ball Game Project, prepare to dive into the world of Dragon Ball manga, TV anime, films and video games head first, with brand new content and game play, a comprehensive character line up and faithful manga style graphics. Featuring the ori…
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In Dragon Ball Game Project, prepare to dive into the world of Dragon Ball manga, TV anime, films and video games head first, with brand new content and game play, a comprehensive character line up and faithful manga style graphics.

  • Featuring the original Japanese voiceover and music, the enhanced story mode will immerse players in the rich variety of the Dragon Ball universe, where every element of the battle will thrill.
  • The game will also include a special mode which allows the player to experience the brand new age of Dragon Ball Z. The controls are being designed to bring the experience closer to the previous Tenkaichi series, making the play accessible to all, but retaining all the tactical depth in battle.
  • You will find out totally destructible battle fields, including realistic craters and Kamehameha tracers cutting across the sky, delivering a heightened sensation of realism and dynamic immediacy.

  • Tuotteen tiedot

    Kannen kieli
    Viimeisimmät saamamme tiedot valmistajalta. Voit aina varmistaa kielitiedot ml. uusimmat päivitykset suoraan julkaisijan omilta kotisivuilta.
    • Kannen kieli: Englanti
    Kieli in-game
    Viimeisimmät saamamme tiedot valmistajalta. Voit aina varmistaa kielitiedot ml. uusimmat päivitykset suoraan julkaisijan omilta kotisivuilta.
    • Kieli in-game: Englanti
    28. lokakuuta 2011
    Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Tenkaichi
    Tuote ID
    Xbox 360
    • PEGI: 12+

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